Reasonable Suspicion Observation

  • Purpose: This form is designed to document observations made by a supervisor when there is reasonable suspicion that an employee is under the influence of drugs or alcohol. It ensures that all necessary details are recorded accurately and objectively to maintain a safe and compliant workplace.

    Instructions: Supervisors should complete this form immediately after observing behavior or physical signs that raise concerns about an employee's fitness for duty. Provide detailed descriptions and avoid subjective language. This documentation will be used to determine the appropriate course of action and to support any necessary interventions.


  • Supervision Opinion

    The observable behaviors noted cause me to believe there is a potential safety concern and/or violation of the Company’s Drug and Alcohol Policy. If I believe this to be an immediate concern, I should stop the employees from working and prevent them from operating equipment where there would be a foreseeable danger. Based upon my observation, as noted in this document, I recommend that a drug and/or alcohol test be administered.

  • Should be Empty:
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